Tuesday 2 September 2014

Eats, Shoots & Leaves

Many will be familiar with the title of this post.  It is better known either as a part of a joke, or as part of the title to Lynne Truss' bestseller 'Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation' (a book which I am yet to read, and which readers of this blog may opine that I need to read with some urgency).

I saw something today which reminded me of this.  Namely, it was the title of a YouTube video:
"George Galloway on Losing It with Griff Rhys Jones"
 I wonder what you think this was about.  Was it

  1. George Galloway becoming very cross with Griff Rhys Jones, or
  2. George Galloway talking to Griff Rhys Jones on the subject of becoming very cross?

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