Friday 7 March 2014

Why blog?

As I write this first post in March 2014, I need to justify to myself why I think it is wise to start a blog.  I anticipate that in the first few months it will be largely a private affair.  Anyone will be able to see this blog, but I will not make it my business to seek a wide audience.

Ultimately, I intend it to do several things:

  • Document my thoughts and ideas.  I will come back to these over time to develop them into more full and coherent arguments.
  • Allow access to some of the documents I produce.
  • Draw attention to things which I feel the media doesn't do justice to.
  • Catalogue interesting innovations that I've heard about, and explore their progress.
  • Pass on some knowledge about the places I've been to and the things I've seen.
None of these are things which I expect to make any money from at all, and certainly don't expect a mass market appeal, but if anyone finds any of the ideas which make their way onto this blog either informative or useful, I will be more than content.

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