Wednesday 3 September 2014

Dear Mr Javid

A couple of weeks ago, I spoke to a Conservative Party member was canvassing in North Devon (a seat they seem highly likely to win from the Liberal Democrat incumbents at next year's UK General Election).  In talking to him, I made a critical error.  Namely, I gave him my email address.

Today, I received my first email from the Conservative Party.  It was trying to win my vote, I'm sure, but more pressingly they were trying to get me to donate money.  This is what it said:
"Whatever you did over the summer, I'm guessing you didn't go on a £21 billion spending spree. But, unbelievably, that's exactly what Labour did.
They made a host of promises - including more spending on benefits - which analysis shows would cost hardworking taxpayers £20.955 billion. In return, they only set out £105 million worth of spending cuts to pay for them.
£20.955 billion of spending minus £105 million of savings = £20.850 billion of unfunded spending commitments, which hardworking families would pay for with higher taxes and more debt.
We've got to stop Labour getting into power and wrecking our economy again. Donate £20 today and let's make sure Ed Miliband never gets into No. 10.
Labour STILL haven't learnt their lesson.
After taking Britain's economy to the brink and opposing every spending reduction we've made, Labour have spent the summer promising billions of pounds of inefficient and ineffective spending.
With just eight months to go until the General Election, it's clear that all Ed Miliband offers is more spending, higher taxes and more debt than our children could ever hope to repay.
We can't let him get his way.
Donate £20 today, and let's carry on working through the long-term economic plan that is building a stronger, healthier economy and securing a better future for Britain:
Donate today

Sajid Javid MP 
PS Every pound you give will help to keep Ed Miliband out of No. 10 - so please donate today."
Naturally, I was only too happy to reply to Mr Javid, who I regard as probably one of the least-worst Conservative MPs:
"Dear Mr Javid,
Having considered your request for £20, I have been unable to set out any spending cuts to pay for such a donation.
£20 of spending minus £0 of savings = £20 of unfunded spending commitments.
In keeping with the spirit of your party's campaign, I therefore feel that the correct decision would be for me not to donate. 
Yours sincerely,
 Edward Russell"
 Perhaps I should also have added
"PS every pound I don't give will help to give smaller and less well-financed political parties a more level playing field on which to compete against the old behemoths of British politics".
Maybe next time.

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