Saturday 26 July 2014

Less a book review, more a question

A really interesting book I finished reading recently (mentioned in a previous post) is What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, by Michael Sandel.

I'm not going to review the book here, however I will note that I decided to give it 4 stars on my GoodReads page.  One of my criticisms is that one of the moral arguments it covered made very heavy use of a sports analogy (baseball) which required some knowledge of the game in order that the argument may be followed. This led me to question what the role of sports analogies is in books.  Sandel had a worthwhile point to make, which was well illustrated by the commercialisation of baseball.  It would be a shame for him not to be able to make the argument at all.

How should he have done it?  Do you know of any books which use sports analogies successfully?  I'd be keen to know.

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